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The Philanthropic Value of The You Factor – The @properties Rebuilding Together Project May 21, 2008

Posted by mattdollinger in Hometown Chicago, Industry Misconceptions.
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On a chilly April day in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago, I was lucky enough to be part of an epiphany.  Our company, @properties, was sponsoring a home through Rebuilding Together, and April 26th was our work day.  Englewood, a troubled community on the South Side of Chicago had recently had it’s fair share of press without our efforts.  A number of recent shootings, gang activity, and foreclosures dotted the evening news, portraying this neighborhood’s plight.  But this day was different… and as the sun burned through a dotting of clouds, this neighborhood bucked the system and came alive with activity.

Our family’s home had been damaged in a fire years earlier, and through a loophole in the insurance policy, did not receive any assistance.  When I first witnessed the home I was in disbelief.  Not because of the horrible conditions of the home, but by the ingenuity of the 71 year-old husband to do everything he could to repair it.  The home itself had seen much better days, with a staircase pulling away from the wall, soot stained carpeting, and ruined kitchen complete with 20 year old appliances, but the family that lived inside shared love, laughter, and happiness regardless of these conditions.  (See our Blog www.rebuildingchicago.com for pictures of pre construction and a list of our donations)

In the two months prior to the event, our volunteer community of almost 75 Realtors and over 25 skilled work volunteers exhausted every favor owed and developer contact we had for donations.  And on the day of the event, we arrived at our home with over $15,000 in donated time, materials and monetary donations.  (see pictures of event day at http://gallery.mac.com/jeremysegal/100057)

The most important part of this project wasn’t the new kitchen, the new staircase, the extensive landscaping, the new appliances, the rehabbed bathroom or the $1,000 cash donation at the end of the day.  What I will remember from this are the conversations I had and the comments I have heard since the event from our agent population. 

“This feels really good.  I am so thankful for what I have at home.”

“I can’t believe we did this.  I am so proud of what we’ve done.”

“This is the most rewarding thing that I’ve ever done.”

“When are we doing another one of these?”

In a world of selfish and self-serving behaviors; At a time when people crowd tour buses to gawk and bid on families losing their homes; In a country of capitalism and status measured by credit scores and assets; these associates who I now consider friends, joined me for a day of feel-good philanthropy and made a difference in a family’s life.  And maybe… just maybe… we can all work a little bit of this giving we uncovered and work it into our everyday lives and our “You Factor”

Matt Dollinger

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